Skip to content is taking a Quantum Leap in DevOps is transforming the DevOps landscape with innovative tools that streamline build and deployment processes. Founded in 2020, this startup leverages Layerfiles and parallel testing to deliver rapid, consistent environments, making web development faster and more efficient.

  •, founded by Colin Chartier and Lyn Chen, offers a platform that speeds up web development using memory snapshots.
  • Layerfiles enable rapid VM setups and caching, while parallel testing improves productivity.
  • A remote Toronto-based team fosters a culture of innovation and scalability, attracting top talent and ensuring continuous improvement.

In the ever-evolving world of web development, speed is everything. It's almost like the developers are striving to achieve the speed of light - 299,792,458 m/s, to build and deploy the process.

However, achieving such lightning-fast speeds often seems as elusive as a quantum particle.

According to Grand View Research, the global DevOps market size was valued at $11.3 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.8% from 2023 to 2030.

Despite this growth, many teams still struggle with slow CI/CD pipelines, cumbersome testing processes, and inefficient environment setups.

These bottlenecks can feel as frustrating as waiting for dial-up internet in the age of fiber optics. A Developer's Dream

Well, to address these bottlenecks, Colin Chartier and Lyn Chen, introduced

Their platform offers a cloud-agnostic, full-stack environment that uses memory snapshots to create new copies of a stack in seconds.

More simply, think of it as teleportation for your code, whisking it from one state to another in an instant. Cool, right?

The Power of Layerfiles

One of’s standout features is its use of Layerfiles, similar to Dockerfiles, but this is for building virtual machines (VMs).

Layerfiles allow developers to define their environments in a way that enables rapid and consistent setups.

The process is as follows:

Step 1: When a developer pushes code, automatically discovers the Layerfiles in the repository.

Step 2: After Discovering, it leads to building the necessary environments and caching each step to avoid redundant tasks.

Faster End-to-End Testing

We all understand the importance of code testing. Developers prioritize both speed and accuracy to ensure reliable results. excels here as well, by creating multiple copies of an application for each branch, enabling parallel end-to-end tests.

This means teams can run acceptance tests up to ten times faster, significantly improving their productivity.

It's like having ten clones of yourself, all working in perfect harmony to get the job done faster.

Along with this, it also provides instant feedback on visual changes and embeds debugging terminals directly into failed builds.

It will be like having your own Sheldon, ready to point out exactly why the code broke and where things went wrong, except of course in a friendly manner.

Building a Culture of Innovation’s success is not just about technology; it's about people. With a fully remote team headquartered in Toronto, Canada, the company fosters a culture of innovation, empathy, and scalability.

This environment attracts top talent, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation in a rapidly changing industry.

The assembling of the Avengers, so to speak, of web development— where each member brings their unique skills to create something extraordinary.

In this blanket of web development, is weaving a new thread—one that promises to make the process faster, more efficient, and a lot more enjoyable.

Edited By Annette George
