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Alga Biosciences' Moo-ving for Green Future & against Methane Burps

Alga Biosciences is revolutionizing agriculture by reducing methane emissions from cattle burps. Their algae-based feed supplement cuts methane by up to 97%, offering environmental and economic benefits.

  • Alga Biosciences' algae feed supplement cuts cow methane emissions by up to 97%.
  • Founded in 2021 by Alexander Brown, Caroline McKeon, and Daria Balatsky, they've raised $4.5 million by the beginning of 2023.
  • Reduces methane and improves feed efficiency, benefiting farmers and the environment.

The agricultural industry is transforming, with sustainability and climate change at the forefront of its evolution.

A significant yet often overlooked contributor to global warming is methane CH4, a potent greenhouse gas emitted by cows through a process charmingly known as burping.

Enteric fermentation, the technical term for this digestive process, makes cows one of the largest sources of methane emissions.

Thus, a group of innovative minds at Alga Biosciences has devised a moo-velous solution to tackle this issue.

The Methane Menace

Methane might sound like just another gas when read about out of a chemistry textbook, but it’s a heavyweight in the world of greenhouse gases.

Though it only lingers in the atmosphere for about a decade, it’s a whopping 104 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.

In the United States, cattle alone contribute to 27% of annual methane emissions through their burps.

It’s a big problem that needs a creative solution, and that’s where Alga Biosciences steps in.

Enter Alga Biosciences: The Cow’s Best Friend

Alga Biosciences, a 2021 startup headquartered in Berkeley, California, aims to transform the agriculture sector by lowering methane emissions from cow burps.

The company's novel strategy uses algae, a naturally occurring resource that is highly scalable, as a feed supplement.

Not only does this supplement lessen burping, but it virtually stops it altogether, reducing methane emissions in dairy cows and beef cattle by 90% and 97%, respectively.

Three Musketeers Behind the Magic

The brains behind this bovine breakthrough are Alexander Brown, Caroline McKeon, and Daria Balatsky.

Alex, who couldn’t shake off the annoyance of unsolved cow burps, teamed up with Caroline, a physical chemist with a knack for quantum mechanics, and Daria, a chemist passionate about applying science to real-world problems.

Together, they’re not just reducing methane—they’re making the world a better place, one less burp at a time.

The Journey: From Concept to Cow

Alga Biosciences’ journey began with rigorous academic trials.

“When we got into Y Combinator, we put all of our money at the time into academic live animal trials to test our product.”Alex Brow explains to TechCrunch

The results were astonishing: methane emissions from beef cattle were undetectable with their algae-based approach, a first in live animal trials.

Isn't it amazing?

Udder-ly Impressive Funding

Up till April 2023, they marked a significant milestone when they raised $4.5 million in funding.

They have received funding contributions from Y Combinator, Day One Ventures, Cool Climate Collective, Pioneer Fund, Overview Capital, and others.

This financial boost is propelling them towards larger commercial pilots, bringing their moo-ving mission to more farms.

Beyond the Burp

Reducing methane is not only good for the planet; it is also suitable for farmers. Methane contains a lot of energy, and if cows burp less, more energy goes into the production of meat and milk.

This means better feed efficiency and financial benefits for livestock owners.

Algae's nutritional supplement helps growers save on feed costs while promoting a greener environment - which benefits everyone; definitely a Win-Win Situation!!

Wrapping Up the Moo-ment

In a world where every cow’s burp counts, Alga Biosciences is making a significant impact.

Their algae-based feed supplement is a game-changer for the agricultural industry, offering a practical and scalable solution to methane emissions.

And remember, every time a cow burps a little less, the planet breathes a little easier.

Through their dedication and innovative approach, Alga Biosciences shows that sometimes the biggest changes come from the smallest solutions—like a little algae in a cow’s diet.


Edited By Annette George
