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  • Introducing "30 For 30" by Newzchain, an innovative blog series unveiling startups' intentional path to success.
  • Join us as we kick off a captivating journey, spotlighting startups' strategic evolution toward triumph.
  • Dive into the inaugural series exploring some remarkable journeys shaped by purposeful choices and determined steps.

In the dynamic world of startups, the majority of budding startups today are dependent on multiple factors to make it to the spotlight within the ecosystem. A lot of these factors are called out to be sheer luck when someone makes it or breaks it. But is it luck or rather a systematic series of right decisions and inclusions in the strategy towards building your startup day by day?

We at Newzchain are on a mission to build a platform to provide due recognition to deserving entrepreneurs and their startups by sharing their stories with the world. These startups are working on something that solves real problems, helps people grow, and makes our world a better place - all they lack is their time under the light. And that moment has arrived.

What is 30 For 30?

We are thrilled to unveil our first quarterly blog series 30 For 30, where for the next 30 days we will be celebrating some peculiar days of the year and some really important and notable events by sharing a story each evening, of a startup working towards a cause linking them to the day of the year.

What can we expect?

So for the next month, think of Newzchain as those vibrant school book fair calendars, each day resonating with a purposeful occasion. Today, as India celebrates its Independence Day, we kick off a journey toward freeing startups from the shackles of mere luck and embark on a journey to liberate them from the realm of chance.

Schedule for August
Schedule for September

Stay tuned as Newzchain transforms into a tapestry of dates, each woven with a startup's remarkable narrative. Let's redefine success beyond chance, one story at a time. 

Subscribe now to not miss out on upcoming events and their coinciding startup stories.

Edited by Shruti Thapa
