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Reimagining Mobility Solutions for Children With Trexo Robotics

  • Trexo Home and Trexo Plus are the two main products offered by Trexo Robotics, each made specifically for gait training and assistance of children with disabilities.
  • The company stresses cost efficiency and user-friendliness in their robotic gait training devices to make them affordable for families.
  • Driven by personal experience, Trexo attempts to redefine industry standards through dynamic mobility solutions for disabled children.

In assistive technology, innovation is always dictated by industry trends. Traditional mobility aids for children with disabilities were often limited in some way or another, offering static support that was not suitable for various conditions.

This is where Trexo Robotics steps in.

The company’s mission is to create advanced robotic gait training devices capable of helping children improve their overall well-being and gain greater freedom of movement.

The Reason Behind reating Trexo Robotics

Trexo Robotics was created in 2016 by Manmeet Maggu and Rahul Udasi who both had a very personal reason to do so; they wanted to help kids suffering from disabilities.

Maggu began his journey when he discovered that his nephew had cerebral palsy disorder.

Feeling frustrated about the lack of effective technological interventions, he joined hands with Udasi to establish Trexo Robotics.

Their idea was plain but deep: affordability home-friendly devices that could enable over-the-ground walking among children.”

Innovative Products for Home and Clinic Use

Trexo Robotics offers two primary products designed to cater to different needs: Trexo Home and Trexo Plus.

Trexo Home is tailored for individual use at home, providing children with the opportunity to practice walking and build strength in a familiar environment.

The package includes basic training on the system, ongoing video technical support, and a 14-day refund guarantee, ensuring that families have the support they need.

Trexo Plus is designed for clinical settings, aiding physical therapists in providing gait training services.

This model comes with comprehensive PT training, a full range of accessories, and a 30-day refund guarantee, making it a valuable tool for hospitals and clinics.

Commitment to Accessibility and Innovation

Trexo Robotics aims to make its technology available to all children who may benefit from it.

They Determine if a child is an appropriate candidate for Trexo Brace through comprehensive assessments of each.

They have preliminary quizzes that assist parents in deciding whether or not the device might be appropriate for their child.

Trexo Robotics is not just another firm, but a source of hope that families that are searching for effective mobility solutions need.

It seeks to create healthier communities one step at a time by focusing on user-centered designs as well as price affordability.

By focusing on user-centric design and affordability, Trexo aims to build healthier and happier communities, one step at a time.

Edited By Annette George
