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Pory - Empowering Anyone to Build Portals in Just 3 Steps!

  • Pory creates easy and beautiful portals that are tailored to your specific needs.
  • With a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, build portals in just three steps.
  • Empower your businesses to collect, automate, and share data without the need for extensive coding.

Founded by Samantha Wong and Luannie Dang in 2020, Pory is a robust platform created especially for users of Airtable to build portals and websites driven by data.

The idea behind Pory is to enable companies to efficiently and securely communicate data with third parties without giving away access to Airtable.

Let us understand how Pory makes this possible.

Simplifying Sharing: A Three-Step Method

Pory uses the technology of AI and no-code to create portals and websites that can be integrated with Airtable to access information.

To avoid any friction associated with data sharing, Pory offers a simplified three-step method:

1. Create Your Goals: Using simple drag-and-drop construction components, the user can create personalized portals that are tailored to their unique business needs.
Anyone can use Pory because it doesn't require any prior coding knowledge.

2. Smooth Communication: Easily incorporate information into your gateway from different Airtable bases and tables. This guarantees that external viewers see the most current and pertinent content on your portal.

3. Unilateral Guidance: Pory gives data security priority by providing fine-grained permission controls.
Based on pre-defined responsibilities, you may specify exactly what data users can see, update, or create.

This promotes cooperation while guaranteeing the security of sensitive data.

Besides creating efficient portals, Pory also frees up a lot of resources and manpower within organizations. By not using complicated codes to create a custom-specific portal, resources can now utilize their time on more pressing issues.

This is precisely why Pory has over 30,000 innovators and founders using its features already, and its user base is steadily increasing.

Pory provides an assortment of pre-made templates with exquisite user interfaces, demonstrating their understanding of the value of aesthetics.

These templates are instantaneously deployable, enabling you to quickly develop portals with a polished appearance.

Empowering Anyone to Build

The enthusiastic creators of Pory, Samantha Wong and Luannie Dang, are determined to make software development obstacle-free.

They want to make sure that all companies, regardless of their size and resources, should be able to manufacture efficient portals without having to pay the exorbitant costs associated with traditional development.

They hope to lessen reliance on coding by pushing no-code and AI technologies, which will have numerous important advantages:

• Reduced Human Dependencies: Using Pory, businesses can create applications easily without investing a lot of time or manpower.

Its drag-and-drop functionality also reduces the dependency on developers for coding.  

• Greater Autonomy: Pory gives teams the freedom to take responsibility for their apps, encouraging creativity and teamwork.

• Reduced Production Costs: The no-code method is an affordable option for companies of all sizes because it drastically lowers the expenses related to software development.

Pory's success story highlights the boom of no-code platforms and AI. Pory enables anyone to realize their vision and bring that vision to life. If you can imagine it, you can also build it.

Edited By Annette George
