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Highlights and Initiatives of National Startup Week 2024

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National Startup Day, celebrated on January 16th, marks a pivotal moment in recognizing India's thriving startup ecosystem. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, this day signifies the government's dedication to fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and the generation of employment opportunities.

In conjunction with the festivities, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has designated the entire week from January 10th to 16th as National Startup Week. This year's theme, "Empowering Entrepreneurs, Igniting Innovation," encapsulates the essence of the celebration.

Commencing the week, Priya Patel, the Secretary of DPIIT, delivered an inaugural address titled 'Unleashing Entrepreneurial Potential' on January 11, 2024.

The week-long series of events promises a diverse range, including workshops, mentorship sessions, stakeholder round tables, and engaging panel discussions held across the nation.

To enrich the entrepreneurial ecosystem, a series of eight virtual "Ask Me Anything (AMA)" live sessions are scheduled from January 10th to 17th.

These sessions will feature influential figures from the startup landscape, encompassing incubators, accelerators, investors, mentors, unicorns, corporates, academia, and government representatives.

In addition to this, there will be five dedicated mentorship sessions focusing on 'How to Start Up.' Aspiring entrepreneurs will gain valuable insights into business structures, entity incorporation processes, and the art of building a robust business plan.

The culmination of National Startup Week is the highly anticipated India National Startup Day Summit and Awards 2024, set for February 23rd in Bangalore.

This event serves as a prestigious platform to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding startups and ecosystem enablers, recognizing their significant contributions to innovation, employment generation, and social impact.

National Startup Day is not merely a celebration; it's also a call to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and catalyze initiatives such as "Make in India".

As the startup ecosystem continues to flourish, this day serves as a reminder of the remarkable journey and the collective efforts propelling India into a hub of innovation and job creation.

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