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Lamin Building Bridges in BioTech

Lamin, a Munich-based startup, bridges biology and computing with its open-source Python framework. Manage data seamlessly and collaborate effectively across labs, revolutionizing scientific research.

  • Lamin streamlines biological data analysis, offering a unified platform for collaboration and transparency.
  • Founded in 2022 by Alex Wolf and Sunny Sun, it aims to bridge biology and computing, driven by innovation and community engagement.
  • Backed by investors like Y Combinator and Pillar VC, it is set to transform scientific research into data management.

In the realm of biology and data analysis, a new star has emerged from Munich, Germany, illuminating the path for scientists and researchers alike. Lamin, an open data platform for biology, is not just a tool; it's a gateway to a new era of collaboration and innovation in the scientific community.

Imagine a world where managing data and analyses is as seamless as a pip install command in Python. Lamin makes this a reality by providing a unified access code that simplifies data wrangling across fragmented systems, eliminating the need for tedious queries and manual interventions.

The Name

The name "Lamin" itself is a nod to its purpose. Just as lamin proteins form the essential filament layer providing structural support to a cell's nucleus, Lamin serves as the foundational layer connecting biology and computing. It's the glue that holds together the intricate world of biological data analysis.

Features and benefits

Well, their features are what helps them to make a place for themselves in this BioTech Industry:

Unified Access: Say goodbye to the hassle of managing data and metadata across different systems. Lamin offers a unified API and UI, making data access and management a breeze.

Data Lineage: Track the origin of your insights across notebooks, scripts, and pipelines with ease, ensuring transparency and traceability.

Biological Registries: Manage experimental metadata and ontologies effortlessly, eliminating confusion and streamlining research processes.

Data Validation and Annotation: Validate, standardize, and annotate your data with simple API calls, reducing errors and improving data quality.

Data Collaboration: Organize and collaborate on data across distributed database instances seamlessly, enhancing teamwork and productivity.

Learning Framework and Emergent Memory: Transform your data into queryable datasets and analytical insights, simplifying complex data processes and enhancing understanding.

Founding story

Founded in 2022 by Alex Wolf and Sunny Sun, Lamin was born out of a passion for bridging the gap between biology and computing. Alex, known for creating Scanpy and leading the build-up of Cellarity's compute platform, joined forces with Sunny, an expert in genome engineering and cell biology, to create a platform that would revolutionize data management in the scientific community.

Funding and support

Lamin has received support from world-class leaders, builders, and investors, including Aaron Kimball, Alec Nielsen, Jeff Hammerbacher, Oskari Saarenmaa, Dimension Capital, Y Combinator, Pillar VC, and Pioneer Fund, demonstrating the industry's confidence in its potential.

In their first blog post, Sunny and Alex announced the launch of, inviting beta customers and collaborators to explore the platform. They expressed their vision of adding public releases in the future and using the blog to explain their work, highlighting their commitment to transparency and community engagement.


In conclusion, Lamin is not just a tool; it's a game-changer in the world of biological data analysis. Well, with its commitment to transparency and collaboration, it's safe to say that Lamin is paving the way for a more efficient and productive scientific community.

So, whether a seasoned researcher or a budding scientist, Lamin is their gateway to a world of possibilities in biology and computing.

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Edited by Shruti Thapa
