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From Crisis to Care - Terapify's Impact on Mental Health in Mexico

Terapify, a pioneering startup in Mexico, offers accessible online therapy with professional psychologists. Founded by Juan Daniel and Eduardo Velez Santiago, their holistic approach includes therapy, yoga, and meditation classes.

  • Terapify, founded in 2019, offers accessible online mental health services in Mexico.
  • Connects clients with licensed psychologists, and offers therapy sessions, live yoga, meditation, and workplace mental health programs.
  • Ensures professional mental health care, improving individual and workplace well-being.

In recent years, mental health has become a pressing issue in Mexico. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated stress, anxiety, and depression among many individuals, leading to a greater demand for accessible mental health services.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, 29% of the Mexican population reported feeling anxiety in 2022.

Amid this growing concern, Terapify is making a significant difference.

Meeting the Need for Mental Health Support

Juan Daniel and Eduardo Velez Santiago founded Terapify in 2019 in response to Mexico's dire demand for mental health services.

Seeing a vacuum in the field's resources, the creators built an online platform facilitating video chats between clients and licensed psychologists.

This innovative thought process guarantees that assistance is available to everyone, regardless of location or situation.

With their services and plan in action, I believe the world is getting a better place to live in.

How Terapify Works

How can we easily access and utilize this service?

The process is simple. Users start by selecting a psychologist on the Terapify website.

They can then schedule their treatment sessions at their convenience from home. Terapify simplifies access to the help people need by offering a secure, private, and supportive environment.

It's easy—unlike our mental health struggles, right?

Supporting Individuals and Businesses

Beyond individual therapy, Terapify offers services to businesses, helping companies care for their employees' mental well-being.

They provide online therapy sessions, well-being activities, and mental health content tailored to the needs of the workplace.

The overall productivity and work culture is enhanced by this all-encompassing holistic strategy.

Another perspective is that Terapify functions like a school, where both teachers and students are united under the common goal of learning and sharing knowledge.

Similarly, Terapify is a place where support is both given and received, helping those in need.

Why Terapify Stands Out

The reason Terapify stands out is that it provides more than simply therapy sessions.

In addition, users can take advantage of live yoga and meditation sessions on Spotify, which support general well-being and supplement therapy.

This comprehensive approach addresses mental health from multiple angles, ensuring users receive the best possible care.

This demonstrates their keen understanding of the balance between those seeking help and those providing it.

It's no wonder they were selected for Y Combinator's Winter 2021 Batch!

Making a Difference

At its core, Terapify is about providing accessible, professional, and compassionate mental health care.

It provides a lifeline in a world where emotional difficulties are becoming more prevalent, assisting people in leading healthier, happier lives.

Its journey serves as evidence of the ability of innovation to meet pressing needs. They are ensuring that everyone in need of emotional support has access to it as they continue to grow and evolve.

Edited By Annette George
