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Biden Administration to Attend Major Bitcoin Roundtable in July

U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna will host the Bitcoin and blockchain roundtable in Washington D.C. in early July. It is anticipated to include officials from the Biden Administration, House and Senate, and American businessman Mark Cuban.

Image Credits: Joe Biden (DoD News photo by EJ Hersom)
  • The Biden administration is reportedly set to participate in a major Bitcoin and blockchain roundtable hosted by U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna in July.
  • The roundtable will include officials from the Biden Administration, Congress, and Mark Cuban, to develop strategies for maintaining blockchain innovation in the U.S.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has recently assured Bitcoin and blockchain advocates that he would be the best choice for the 2024 presidency to protect these technologies. And current President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have been accused of stifling cryptocurrency innovations, including non-custodial solutions. 

Not to mention, Trump has even pledged to end Biden's war on crypto to secure America's future and create opportunities for young people. Additionally, Trump reportedly voiced support for Bitcoin mining in the U.S. during a recent meeting with industry representatives. 

Now, amid the crypto talks in the U.S., the Biden administration is shifting its stance on the matter.

U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna, representing California's 17th district, will host a Bitcoin and blockchain roundtable in Washington D.C. in early July, according to a private email from Khanna's office, as reported by Bitcoin Magazine.

Khanna's office called the upcoming meeting "the most significant between policymakers and blockchain innovation leaders to date." The roundtable is anticipated to include officials from the Biden Administration, House, and Senate and American businessman Mark Cuban. 

The main goal of the meeting is to develop strategies to maintain Bitcoin and blockchain innovation in the United States.

Rep. Khanna, known for his pro-crypto stance, recently supported the House-passed FIT21 bill, which would grant new jurisdiction to the CFTC over digital commodities and establish regulatory frameworks at the SEC. 

Pro-crypto billionaire Mark Cuban has also recently addressed the Biden administration's crypto policy, speculating that Biden's stance on crypto could impact his chances in the upcoming November election.

Edited by Harshajit Sarmah
